How Illini Solar Car uses PartsBox in design of their newest vehicle, Calypso

Calypso is the third-generation solar car built by a team of dedicated and forward-thinking individuals from Illini Solar Car. They have found a trusted partner in PartsBox, the electronic component management solution that helps them manage the complexity of building and maintaining electronics in their innovative project.

A Journey of Efficiency and Cost Savings

Illini Solar Car team first started using PartsBox in 2019, when they were searching for a solution to the chaos of managing electrical parts, assemblies, and components. They were grappling with issues like losing track of parts, ordering duplicates, and accumulating spare parts from old projects. The trial period with PartsBox made it evident that they had found a perfect solution. It streamlined stock tracking, facilitated part sharing between projects (especially with meta-parts), and reduced ordering duplication and waste.

Redesigning Every PCB with PartsBox by the Side

Calypso represents the culmination of countless hours of design, testing, and hard work. One key aspect of this achievement is the complete redesign of nearly every PCB on the car. With each new PCB, the team used PartsBox to manage their Bill of Materials (BOM), check their parts inventory and help with purchasing.

Collaboration and Multi-Stage Builds

One of the team's favorite aspects of PartsBox is its collaborative nature. During the soldering of a board, team members can seamlessly work together using multi-stage builds. This feature has proven vital in the manufacturing of large-scale PCBs.

Effortless Inventory Management

Inventory management has never been easier for Illini Solar Car's team. PartsBox provides quick and easy access to parts, along with essential information on available stocks, making project planning significantly easier.

A Team of 150, Powered by PartsBox

Calypso's journey is powered by a diverse and dynamic team of over 150 members from Illini Solar Car. Among them, more than 30 regularly utilize PartsBox for various aspects of their work. PartsBox's capabilities extend far beyond simple inventory management. The team relies on multi-stage builds, BOM imports, meta-parts, and in-browser barcode scanning to improve their workflow.

Onboarding Made Easy with PartsBox

Welcoming new members to the team is a breeze with PartsBox. Illini Solar Car team currently has nearly 40 users working with the shared database. The flexible Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system allows them to define roles with specific, fine-grained permissions, ensuring that each team member has precisely the access they need. This lets the team maintain tight control over their data.

Exhaustive Parts Info and Organized Inventory

Calypso's parts inventory is meticulously organized in labeled plastic bins, ensuring easy access for each component type. They appreciate the comprehensive Parts Info section, which includes datasheets and critical data like "Used in projects. The team appreciates the user-friendly interface that clearly displays all its features.

Planning and Efficiency with PartsBox

PartsBox lets Illini Solar Car's team take control of their stock and project planning. They can effortlessly locate parts, view stock quantities, and plan upcoming board runs and manufacturing projects with precision. This results in better budget management and organizational efficiency.

Boosting Efficiency and Cost Reductions

Since adopting PartsBox, Illini Solar Car's organization has experienced a significant boost in efficiency. They can swiftly locate parts, eliminate unnecessary purchases, and effectively manage their inventory. Historical data tracking ensures they never buy duplicates, leading to substantial cost savings.

In the ever-accelerating world of solar car innovation, Calypso and PartsBox stand as symbols of efficiency, collaboration, and progress. With PartsBox by their side, Illini Solar Car's team is accelerating towards a future where every solar car revolutionizes clean energy technology.

To learn more about their innovative work on Calypso vehicle and how PartsBox supports their efforts, reach out to Illini Solar Car for further details.

PartsBox is an online app that lets you take control of your electronic parts inventory, BOM pricing, and small-scale production. It keeps track of where components are stored, what the current stock levels are, and which components are used in which projects/BOMs.

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