When manufacturing electronic devices, a certain percentage of the electronic components used will be lost or discarded in the process. This is known as part attrition.
Attrition occurs due to a variety of reasons:
The attrition rate is the percentage of parts that are lost for every product built. For example, if a product's BOM (bill of materials) specifies 100 resistors, but on average 105 resistors are actually used per unit built, the attrition rate would be 5%.
Attrition rates vary depending on the component type, package, and assembly process:
Typical attrition rates range from 1% for simple through-hole assembly to 10% or higher for complex surface-mount products with many small parts.
When planning material requirements for production, the expected attrition must be factored in. If 1000 units are to be built, and part attrition averages 5%, then 1050 of parts should be purchased.
Inventory management software like PartsBox can automatically account for attrition. The user can set attrition percentage and minimum quantity values per part. PartsBox will then calculate the total quantity of each part needed to cover the expected losses.
For example, consider a product that uses 5 of resistor R1 per unit. To build 1000 units:
By planning for attrition, manufacturers can ensure they will not run out of parts mid-production. PartsBox makes this easy by automatically adjusting required quantities based on the user's attrition settings.