BOM Import in PartsBox

PartsBox offers a powerful BOM (Bill of Materials) import feature, allowing you to bring in BOMs from various CAD/eCAD packages in CSV or TSV format. This functionality streamlines the process of transferring your design data into PartsBox for efficient inventory management, purchasing, and production.

Supported CAD/eCAD Packages

PartsBox provides presets for several popular CAD/eCAD packages, ensuring seamless integration and easy BOM import:

Altium Designer BOM Import

In addition to these presets, PartsBox offers a "Custom" setting that allows for manual mapping of CSV columns to PartsBox fields and setting the field separator. This flexibility ensures interoperability with any CAD package capable of exporting a CSV BOM.

Custom BOM Import

Please note that while importing from KiCad is free for all users, the other presets are available only in commercial plans.

Part Matching

After importing a BOM into PartsBox, each line must be matched to a specific part. If the BOM part name matches an existing PartsBox part name, the matching will occur automatically. However, if a matching part name cannot be found, manual intervention is required. You can either select an existing PartsBox part or create a new one and match it to the BOM entry.

BOM Import Part Matching

Beyond Parts: Services and Labor

PartsBox takes BOM management a step further by allowing you to include services or labor entries in your BOMs. This feature enables you to account for costs associated with PCB assembly, testing, packaging, or any other relevant services. These service/labor BOM entries can have offers attached, just like parts, enabling accurate pricing of the entire production process, not just the components.

Offers for service/labor BOM entries share similar characteristics with part offers:

  • Support for multiple price breaks
  • Minimum Order Quantities (MOQs)
  • Expiration dates
  • Compatibility with all supported currencies

By leveraging PartsBox's comprehensive BOM import capabilities and the ability to include services and labor, you can efficiently manage your inventory, purchasing, and production processes, ensuring accurate costing and streamlined operations.

Control your inventory, ordering and production

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